Organization and hosting of an online round table in the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” media centre dedicated to the problems of iron deficiency and iron deficiency conditions.
Development and creation of a communication platform for the “Iron Health” project: naming, brand book, website, social media management
PRESS CONFERENCE dedicated to World Osteoporosis Day as part of the “Fragile Age” program: “Take action to keep your bones healthy!”
PR-campaign for The "Fragile Age” - "Fragile Age. Don't Let Osteoporosis Break Your Life" in "Moscow Longevity" centers supported by Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin.
Development of corporate identity and website for the project “Fragile age” dedicated to osteoporosis prevention.
Press conference at TASS "Don't miss the hit!" - a project dedicated to increase conscious among patients who have had a heart attack for re-strike prevention
Press conference dedicated to World Osteoporosis Day as part of the "Fragile Age" program: "How not to break down during pandemic."
Round table named "Interchangeability of immunosuppressive drugs in transplantation" for the Interregional Public Organization of Nephrological Patients "NEFRO-LIGA"
Press conference at TASS dedicated to the launch of the "Fragile Age" program. Topic: "Audit of the problem of osteoporosis in Russia"
Reception organization at the French Embassy in Russia on the topic: "Russian-French Dialogue: Innovation without Borders for Cancer Patients"
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